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MYOB Advanced vs. Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central: Choosing the Right Cloud ERP for Your Company


As businesses grow and evolve, their accounting and management needs become increasingly complex. Relying on spreadsheets and manual processes is no longer sufficient to maintain smooth operations. Cloud ERP solutions offer a centralised platform for managing all aspects of business operations, from accounting and sales to inventory management.

With numerous options available, selecting the right ERP solution can be challenging. In this post, we compare two leading Cloud ERP solutions in Australia: MYOB Acumatica and Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. We will work alonsgide you to determine which system is the best fit for your company, ensuring enhanced efficiency, scalability, and growth potential. Discover the key features, benefits, and differences between MYOB Acumatica and Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central to make an informed decision for your business needs.

Importance of Cloud ERP solutions for growing businesses

As businesses grow, their operational needs become increasingly complex, making legacy solution approaches insufficient. Cloud ERP solutions offer a streamlined, centralised approach to managing business operations, enabling companies to automate processes, improve accuracy and make data-driven decisions.

With real-time data at their fingertips, businesses can quickly respond to changing market conditions, make strategic decisions, and stay ahead of the competition. However, with numerous Cloud ERP solutions available, selecting the right one can be a daunting task for mid-market company directors. MYOB Acumatica and Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central are two of the most popular options, each offering unique features and benefits.

In the following sections, we'll examine both solutions in detail to help you determine which one is the best fit for your business.

Difficulty in choosing the right solution?

Comparing MYOB Acumatica vs. Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central: Key Features and Benefits

MYOB Acumatica and Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central both offer comprehensive Cloud ERP solutions tailored for mid-market companies, but they differ in features, pricing, and user experience. MYOB Advanced is designed for medium-sized businesses, providing a user-friendly interface and powerful financial management tools.

In contrast, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central is a robust solution for similar-sized businesses, offering a wide range of features, including supply chain management, project management, and customer relationship management.

Ultimately, the best Cloud ERP solution for your business depends on your unique needs and goals. Most often the tyoial project estimates ar similar across these solutions. To help you make an informed decision, we compare the key features and benefits of MYOB Acumatica and Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Dynamics 365 BC vs MYOB Advanced

MYOB Acumatica - An Overview

MYOB Acumatica is a Cloud ERP solution that is designed specifically for mid to large sized businesses.

Here are 6 key points:

  1. It offers a user-friendly interface and powerful financial management tools that enable businesses to streamline their accounting processes, automate workflows, and gain real-time insights into their financial performance.
  2. MYOB Acumatica also provides a range of industry specific solution capabailities for: Distribution - Manufacturing - Construction and Project Accounting and Finance with powerful in-built reporting capabilities. One of the key benefits of MYOB Advanced is its flexibility.
  3. MYOB Acumatica can be customised to meet the unique needs of each business, with a range of add-on modules and plugins available. This means that businesses can tailor the solution to their specific requirements, rather than having to adapt their processes to fit the software.
  4. Additionally, MYOB Acumatica offers a single deployment option, public cloud via AWS in Sydney, this minimises costs.
  5. While MYOB Acumatica is a comprehensive and powerful solution, it is also affordable, making it a good choice for mid to large market companies who may not have unlimited budgets for change!
  6. The solution is priced on a per-user basis, with different pricing tiers available depending on the features and functionality required.

Overall, MYOB Acumatica is a great option for mid-sized businesses looking for a flexible, cost-effective Cloud ERP solution that can grow and adapt to their business.

Key features and benefits of MYOB Acumatica

User-friendly interface

MYOB Acumatica has a user-friendly interface that is easy to navigate, even for non-technical users.

MYOB Acumatica CRM

MYOB Acumatica CRM is a powerful tool that enables businesses to manage their customer relationships effectively. With MYOB Acumatica CRM, businesses can track customer interactions, manage leads and opportunities, and streamline their sales processes.

The solution offers a range of features that help businesses nurture their customer relationships, including:

1. Lead and Opportunity Management: MYOB Acumatica CRM enables businesses to manage their sales pipeline effectively by tracking leads and opportunities. The solution offers tools to help businesses qualify leads, assign them to sales reps, and track their progress through the sales cycle.

2. Contact Management: With MYOB Acumatica CRM, businesses can store and manage customer data in one central location. The solution offers a range of features to help businesses keep track of customer interactions, including emails, phone calls, and meetings.

3. Marketing Automation: MYOB Acumatica CRM offers marketing automation tools that enable businesses to automate their marketing campaigns. The solution includes features like email marketing, lead scoring, and campaign tracking.

4. Reporting and Analytics: MYOB Acumatica CRM offers a range of reporting and analytics tools that enable businesses to gain real-time insights into their sales performance. The solution includes dashboards, reports, and charts that help businesses identify trends and make data-driven decisions.

Overall, MYOB Acumatica CRM is a powerful tool that helps businesses manage their customer relationships effectively. With a range of features and functionalities, businesses can streamline their sales processes, nurture their customer relationships, and grow their business.

Job Costing - MYOB Advanced Construction

MYOB Acumatica Project Accounting

MYOB Acumatica Project Accounting is an essential tool for businesses that need to manage and analyse costs more effectively.  A project is defined as a one-time effort planned for execution within specific time and cost limits, and with an expected budget and revenue. A project can consist of one task or multiple tasks, and you can associate individual projects and tasks with workgroups. You can define projects and specify their settings, including defining tasks and populating projects with employees, resources, and equipment.

The solution offers a range of features that help businesses manage their projects from start to finish, including:

1. Project Planning:  The solution offers tools to help businesses define project scope, create timelines, and allocate resources.

2. Resource Management: . The solution includes features to help businesses allocate staff, track time, and manage expenses.

3. Collaboration: Provides collaboration tools that enable teams to work together seamlessly. The solution includes features like task assignment, file sharing, and team communication.

4. Reporting and Analytics: Delivers a range of reporting and analytics tools that enable businesses to gain real-time insights into their project performance. The solution includes dashboards, reports, and charts that help businesses identify trends and make data-driven decisions.

Overall, MYOB Acumatica Projects and Project Management is a powerful capability that helps businesses manage their projects effectively. With a range of features and functionalities, businesses can streamline their project processes, collaborate with teams, and deliver projects on time and within budget.

MYOB Acumatica Inventory Management

MYOB Acumatica Inventory Management is an essential tool for businesses who need greater capabilities to manage inventory effectively. It offers a range of features that help to track inventory levels, manage stock, and streamline their supply chain processes. With MYOB Acumatica, businesses can gain real-time visibility into their inventory levels and make data-driven decisions to optimise their inventory management processes.

Some of the key features of MYOB Acumatca Inventory Management include:

1. Inventory Tracking: Track inventory levels in real time. The solution offers tools to help businesses monitor stock levels, track inventory movements, and manage replenishment.

2. Stock Management:  The solution includes features to help businesses manage multiple warehouses, track serial numbers, and manage stock transfers.

3. Supply Chain Management:  The solution provides the tools that help businesses optimise their procurement processesand has the features to manage purchase orders, track vendor performance and manage supplier relationships.

4. Reporting and Analytics: Delivers an inherent capability of reporting and analytics tools that enable businesses to gain real-time insights into their inventory performance. The solution includes dashboards, reports, and charts that help businesses identify trends and make data-driven decisions.

Overall, MYOB Acumatica Inventory Management is a powerful solution that helps businesses manage their inventory effectively across Distribuition and Manufacturing envionments. With a range of features and functionalities, businesses can streamline their supply chain processes, optimise inventory levels, and reduce costs.

MYOB Advanced Manufacturing Workflow

MYOB Acumatica Manufacturing

MYOB Acumatica offers a comprehensive solution that can help streamline production processes, improve quality control, and reduce costs. The solution will provide real-time visibility into production processes and make data-driven decisions to optimise their operations.

Some of the key features of MYOB Acumatica Manufacturing include:

1. Production Planning: Plan and schedule production processes efficiently. The solution offers tools to help businesses manage production orders, track work-in-progress, and manage resources.

2. Quality Control: Ensure that products meet the highest quality standards. The solution includes features to help businesses manage quality control processes, track defects, and manage corrective actions.

3. Cost Control: Cost control tools help businesses manage their production costs effectively. The solution includes features to help businesses track production costs, analyse cost variances, and manage budgets.

Overall, MYOB Acumatica Manufacturing can prove to be an essential tool for the manufacturing industry. With a range of features and functionality, businesses can streamline production processes, improve quality control and reduce costs.

MYOB Acumatica - Summary

Customers who have used MYOB Acumatica across Finance - Distribution - Manufacturing - Construction - Field Service have praised the solution for its ease of use and powerful core financial management tools and reporting.

Many have also noted that the solution has helped them streamline their accounting processes and gain real-time insights into their financial performance. Some customers have even reported that MYOB Acumatica has helped them save time and money by automating manual tasks and reducing errors.

Customer feedback on MYOB Acumatica has been positive, with many customers recommending the solution to other businesses looking for a powerful but affordable Cloud ERP solution.

MYOB Acumatica Pricing options

MYOB Acumatica offers flexible pricing options to suit the needs and budgets of different businesses. The solution is priced on a per-user basis, with different tiers available depending on the level of features and functionality required. Businesses can choose from three pricing plans: Standard, Plus, and Enterprise.

The Standard plan is the most basic and affordable option, offering core accounting and financial management features but very rarely requested. The Plus plan includes additional features such as inventory and project management and is the , while the Enterprise plan offers the most comprehensive set of features and functionality.

Overall, MYOB Acumatica is a well regarded option for companies aroudn the world (Acumatica) looking for a user-friendly, customisable, and affordable Cloud ERP solution. With powerful core financial management tools and reporting capabilities across Distribution, Manufacturing, Construction and Field Service, MYOB Acumatica can help businesses streamline their processes and gain real-time insights into their financial performance. 

Dynamics 365 Sales

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central - An Overview

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central is a Cloud ERP solution offered by Microsoft that provides a range of business management tools including financial management, supply chain management, project management, and customer relationship management.

The solution is designed to help mid-market companies automate their business processes, gain insights into their operations, and make data-driven decisions. With a wide range of features and integrations available, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central can be customised to meet the unique needs of each business.

Customer feedback on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central has been positive, with many customers praising the solution for its ease of use and integration with other Microsoft products. Customers have also noted that the solution has helped them improve their financial management processes, streamline their operations, and increase productivity. However, some customers have mentioned that the solution can be complex to implement and customise and that the pricing can be higher than other Cloud ERP solutions.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Pricing options

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central offers a range of pricing options to suit the needs and budgets of different businesses. The solution is priced on a per-user basis, with different tiers available depending on the level of features and functionality required. Businesses can choose from four pricing plans: Essentials, Premium, Team Members, and Device.

The Essentials plan is the most basic and affordable option, offering core financial management and supply chain management features. The Premium plan includes additional features such as project management, while the Team Members and Device plans are designed for users who need limited access to the system.

However, customers should note that additional costs may apply for add-ons and integrations.

Key features and benefits of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

Some of the key features and benefits of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central include:

  1. Its ability to streamline business processes, automate tasks, and provide real-time insights into operations.
  2. The solution also offers strong financial management capabilities, including cash flow forecasting, budgeting, and financial reporting.
  3. Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central can integrate with a range of other Microsoft products, such as Office 365 and Power BI, to provide a seamless experience for users.
  4. Another benefit of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central is its scalability. As a Cloud ERP solution, it can grow and adapt along with a business, allowing companies to add new users, features, and functionality as needed.
  5. This makes it a flexible solution that can meet the evolving needs of mid-market companies.
  6. Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central is a powerful Cloud ERP solution that offers a comprehensive set of tools for managing and automating business operations.

Dynamics 365 Customer Service Workflow

Accounting and Financial Management in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

One of the key strengths of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central is its accounting and financial management capabilities. The solution offers a wide range of financial features, including general ledger, accounts payable and receivable, bank reconciliation, and fixed asset management. It also provides advanced financial reporting and analytics, giving businesses real-time insights into their financial health.

In addition, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central has built-in compliance features and audit trails, to help businesses stay compliant with regulations. The solution also supports multiple currencies and languages, making it a great option for companies with international operations.

With its robust accounting and financial management capabilities, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central can help mid-market companies streamline their financial processes and improve their bottom line.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central - Sales Management

Another area where Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central excels in sales management. The solution offers a complete sales cycle management system, from lead generation to order fulfilment.

Users can manage sales quotes, sales orders, invoices, and payments all in one place. The solution also provides sales forecasting and analytics, giving businesses valuable insights into their sales performance.

Additionally, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central offers robust inventory management features, allowing businesses to manage their inventory levels, track stock movements, and optimise their supply chain. The solution can also integrate with other sales and marketing tools, such as Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales and Adobe Marketing Cloud, to provide a complete sales and marketing solution.

In conclusion, both MYOB Advanced and Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central are powerful Cloud ERP solutions that can benefit mid-market companies in different ways. However, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central stands out for its strong financial management and sales management capabilities, as well as its scalability and flexibility.

Wiise Inventory

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central -  Inventory Management

It's worth noting that Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central's inventory management capabilities go beyond just tracking stock movements. The solution also offers advanced warehouse management features, such as bin and zone management, pick and put-away strategies, and cycle counting. Users can also set up automatic replenishment rules and create purchase orders directly from the system, streamlining inventory management processes.

Furthermore, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central provides real-time visibility into inventory levels and stock movements, enabling businesses to make informed decisions about purchasing and production. The solution also integrates with other supply chain management tools, such as shipping and logistics providers, to provide end-to-end supply chain visibility.

Overall, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central's powerful inventory management features make it a great option for mid-market companies looking to optimise their supply chain and improve inventory accuracy.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central - Extending Inventory Management with Warehouse Management

Tasklet WMS

Tasklet WMS for Dynamics 365 Business Central is a powerful mobile solution designed to enhance warehouse operations through seamless integration, real-time data access, and robust inventory management. By automating processes like receiving, picking, packing, and shipping, Tasklet WMS increases efficiency and accuracy, leading to improved productivity and reduced costs. The user-friendly interface, barcode scanning capabilities, and customizable workflows ensure quick adaptation and tailored solutions for various business needs. With comprehensive reporting and analytics, Tasklet WMS provides valuable insights into warehouse performance, making it a strategic choice for mid-market companies seeking to optimize their warehouse operations and achieve higher customer satisfaction.Warehouse Insight WMS is a warehouse management system (WMS) that can be integrated with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central to further enhance the solution's inventory management capabilities. Warehouse Insight WMS allows businesses to automate their warehouse operations and improve accuracy, productivity, and efficiency.

Warehouse Insight

With Warehouse Insight WMS, businesses can streamline their receiving, put-away, picking, and shipping processes using barcode scanning technology. The solution also offers advanced inventory tracking features, such as lot and serial tracking, expiration date management, and bin and location tracking.

In addition, Warehouse Insight WMS provides real-time visibility into inventory levels and locations, allowing businesses to make informed decisions about inventory replenishment and order fulfilment. The solution can also generate custom reports and analytics, giving businesses valuable insights into their warehouse operations and performance.

Overall, implemenmting a paperless Warehouse solution can help companies optimise their warehouse operations and improve inventory accuracy, which can lead to increased efficiency, productivity, and profitability.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central -Reporting and Analytics

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central provides a comprehensive range of reporting and analytics tools, including pre-built reports, customisable dashboards, and real-time data insights. The solution also integrates with Microsoft Power BI, enabling users to create advanced analytics and visualisations. Moreover, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central includes built-in artificial intelligence capabilities, which allow businesses to uncover insights and trends that might otherwise go unnoticed.

Dynamics 365 vs MYOB Advanced


Conclusion - Which System is right? MYOB Acumatica or Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Overall, both MYOB Advanced and Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central offer powerful reporting and analytics capabilities, making it easier for mid-market companies to make informed decisions and drive business growth. The right solution ultimately depends on a company's specific needs and goals.

So, which Cloud ERP solution is right for your business? The answer ultimately depends on your unique needs and requirements.

With the right Cloud ERP solution in place, businesses can streamline their operations, gain valuable insights, and position themselves for growth and success.

When it comes to key features and benefits, both MYOB Acumatica and Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central offer a wide range of tools to help businesses streamline their operations and make data-driven decisions. Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central offers seamless integration with other Microsoft products such as Office 365, Power BI and PowerApps, making it easier for businesses to access and analyse their data across different platforms.

Ultimately, the choice between MYOB Acumatica and Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central will depend on the specific needs and priorities of each business.  It is important for businesses to carefully evaluate their options and consider all the possible factors before making a decision.

We look forward to assisting with this review!
