Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central
Advanced Inventory Count
Simplify inventory counts with comprehensive data entry, reconciliation, posting and analysis tools.
What Is Advanced Inventory Count for Dynamics 365 Business Central?
Why make physical inventory counts harder than they already are? Advanced Inventory Count enables inventory managers to simplify inventory and cycle counts with comprehensive data entry, reconciliation, posting, and analysis tools.

Easily perform manually-entered or barcoded inventory counts and cycle counts
Automatically reconcile and post lot or serial number discrepancies
Predefine count sheets or allow users to complete ad hoc inventory counts.
Create formal recount sheets to track count issues and resolutions
Retain historical statistics for prior counts to judge trends and performance
Supports all location configurations, from non-mandatory bins to directed pick with warehouse item tracking
For non-barcoded counts, allows multi-user manual entry and ability to add to count sheets on the fly

Experience quicker data entry, reconciliation, and simplified posting for Business Central
Advanced Inventory Count enhances Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central physical inventory capabilities to allow for comprehensive count sheet creation, advanced reconciliation analysis, multi-user count data entry, and simplified journal posting.
Ensure all inventory counts in Dynamics 365 Business Central is accurate
The solutionautomatically identifies and manages WIP, reconciles it with other counted inventory, and posts the appropriate consumption and inventory adjustment entries.
Multi-user count entry in Business Central
Speed up data entry by allowing multiple users to enter count data simultaneously. The count entry screen provides visual indicators of incorrect counts or data entry errors. Easily add additional items that were not on the original count sheets.

Flexible count sheet generation
Create Count Sheets that represent how you want to count inventory, such as sheets for specific count teams, locations, product types, etc. Easily define sheets for cycle counting or partial warehouse counts.
Simplified WIP counting
Accurately capture consumed and unconsumed WIP – the count module automatically reconciles WIP with inventory and production order consumption.
Powerful Business Central reporting to speed up the process
Inventory turns analysis
Easily identify obsolete inventory, items with improper planning parameters, and the financial impact of those issues. Automatically calculate and set inventory count periods based on inventory turns to simplify cycle count definition and management.
Integration with inventory barcodes
The Count Module is integrated with the Mobile Warehouse Data Collection app, and also provides a simple interface for integration with any other external data collection system. Leverage your investment in your hand-held data collection system for inventory counts.

Powerful reconciliation reporting
Speed up inventory discrepancy reconciliation with powerful reporting that evaluates differences by quantity, and provides full count details to quickly locate count errors.
Journal test report
Ensure that journal entries post the first time by using the comprehensive Count Module Journal Test Report. The report identifies all data that may prevent posting, including item tracking errors, and can provide a list of only those lines that will not post. The Enhanced Test Report works with all item journals.
Flexible count sheet generation
Easily create count sheets that match how your company counts inventory
With flexible count sheet creation, users have the tools available to quickly and easily configure count sheets to simplify the inventory count process. This enables quick ad-hoc cycle counts, non-directed counts, or directed counts.
The flexible count sheet generation allows users to filter items and SKUs on almost any criteria to make sure you get exactly what you need on the count sheet.
Supports all Location configurations
Whether you have bins enabled or not, or even use “advanced warehousing”, the Advanced Inventory Count module will make your next count significantly more efficient.
If you don’t have bins enabled, you’ll appreciate being able to count the same item in multiple areas on different lines, and organize the count by Shelf No. You can also add new lines to the count as simply as adding a new record, unlike the Physical Inventory Journal.
If you use bins, you can lock the bins to prevent transactions while the count is in progress, or simply use the “As-Of Date” functionality to ignore transactions that occur after the count date.
Item tracking, both “Warehouse Tracked” and not, is supported, and the system will actually reconcile by lot and serial number.
You can count and reconcile multiple locations on the same count, allowing you to easily see if missing inventory in one location is offset by additional inventory in another.
Generate recount sheets
Improve inventory count accuracy between counts or partial counts with streamlined processes
Set up formal recounts during full physical counts or cycle counts based on a percentage, value, or quantity variance. Recount sheets provide an audit trail of the original count quantities and any subsequent recounts. Recount sheets allow warehouse users to easily identify what needs to be recounted and easily record the recount quantity.
In addition to making your count run more smoothly, you’ll love the ability to quickly and easily satisfy auditor’s spot checks or requests for validation data.
Enhanced journal test report
Ensure you can post the journal the first time
The Enhanced Journal Test Report identifies anything that may prevent posting, such as blocked items, missing item tracking, missing posting groups, etc. This allows users to ensure the data on the journal will post without multiple long, annoying retries.
Multi-user count entry
Speed up manual data entry by enabling multiple users to enter count data simultaneously
Even if you’re not using barcoding, you can still speed up your data entry for your counts. The Advanced Inventory Count allows multiple users to do count entry simultaneously, regardless of the number of count sheets, data entry staff, or count staff.
Automatic item tracking reconciliation
The Count Difference Analysis report allows you to easily determine where the count deviates from the expected quantity. Numerous options allow you to quickly highlight issues and determine where the differences originate.
The Advanced Count Module will also reconcile differences in lot numbers and serial numbers. Rather than have to tell Dynamics 365 Business Central which lot numbers or serial numbers you couldn’t find, the module will tell Business Central what was missing based on what you counted. The module will also automatically set the Item Tracking Lines on the journals so you never have to manually enter them ever again.
Powerful reconciliation
Ensure auditor approval with comparison and history features
Advanced Inventory Count adds powerful auditing tools that are unavailable in core Dynamics 365 Business Central. The reconciliation report identifies what needs to be recounted, flags all required recounts and provides visibility into original counts and recounts.
Integration with inventory barcodes
Speed up counting with barcodes
The Advanced Inventory Count integrates with the Warehouse Insight module to automate the inventory counts with barcode scanning.
If you have lot numbers or serial numbers, using barcodes will dramatically improve the efficiency of your inventory counts.
Simplified WIP counting
Accurately capture consumed and unconsumed WIP
The Advanced Inventory Count Module automatically reconciles WIP with inventory and production order consumption. This includes a count difference analysis, which shows discrepancies and automatically sets adjustments without manually entry.